Ongoing School Closure
As you are aware the Taoiseach announced last Friday that all schools will remain closed until at least September. While understanding 100% the reasons for the continuing closure of all schools it was a great disappointment to hear that we will not be allowed to return to school before the summer holidays to give us all a chance to finish off the year in the proper manner. I know how much the children are missing their school friends and how they would have been looking forward to the end of year fun and excitement. This feeling is shared by us all here in the school.
All of the staff were extremely upset at the abrupt way our year was brought to an end and are really disappointed and upset not to have the opportunity to say farewell to the classes and to wish them all well for the coming school year.
We will, of course, continue to send out our weekly suggestion for work/activities and other suggestions which, hopefully, you will find useful. As always these are only suggestions and we understand completely that not everyone will be in a position to follow them.
I hope that you are all keeping well at this most difficult time. Please tell your child/children that I was asking for them.
Kind regards,
Gerry Brown
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