Science Blast 2020
Science Blast 2020- 4th & 5th class
Ms McGrath’s 5th class and Ms Morris’s 4th class went to Science Blast in the RDS on the 3rd of March 2020. 5th class chose a question about humour ‘Why do we laugh and why is humour different for everyone? And 4th class focused on fear ‘Why do people have different fears and different reactions to their fears?’ Both classes researched and gathered lots of information on these questions. The children also designed questionnaires and gathered information from these questionnaires, completed by children and teachers in the school. They presented their findings on graphs and poster charts. 5th class interviewed children in the school and asked them funny jokes to observe their humour and reactions. They also constructed a model brain from clay and painted it highlighting the various parts of the brain and their functions. 4th class designed a scare box which they brought with them to the RDS to frighten people that viewed their project and questioned their investigations.
In the RDS the children loved looking at and learning about the various scientific questions that other schools had investigated. They attended the creepy crawly science show and took part in lots of games and quizzes. The children were very excited to present their projects to the judges and received wonderful feedback about their work. We are hoping to return next year with a new question!