Active Schools Flag
Active School Flag 2023/24
St. Mary’s S.N.S is once again working hard to get everybody active in the school. Have a look at all the exciting work that we’ve been doing
Active Flag Committee
Introducing our new committee
Ms. Byrne’s 3rd class- Darragh Hudson
Ms. Beaubien’s 3rd class- Luke Raftery
Ms. Nugent’s 3rd class- Muhab Kseibat
Ms. Lucas’ 4th class- Damir Kurachkin
Ms. Murphy’s 4th class- Senan O’ Brien
Ms. O’Sullivan’s 4th class – Sophie Horan
Ms. Gilligan’s 5th class- Noah Flynn
Mr. Forde’s 5th class- Caoilainn keogh
Ms Steedman’’s 5th class – Penny Boylan
Ms. Nugent’s 6th class – Cara O’ Reilly
Ms. Kenny’s 6th class- Noah Byrne
Ms. Sheward’s 6th class- Alex Byrne
Ms. Murphy’s 6th class- Stephen Caldwell
Each class elected one committee member to represent them on the ASF committee for the coming school year. The committee also has a number of teacher representatives: Ms. Hogan, Ms. Kenny, Ms E. Murphy, Ms C Murphy, Ms. Morris & Ms Byrne.
Valleymount Cross Country Athletics
We were delighted to take part in the annual cross country event in Valleymount N.S. Children from 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes represented St. Mary’s on the day. Even the weather was kind to us all for once! The children ran in some very tough races and were delighted with the new running track at the school. We had two individual winners, Eoghan Fitzgerald from 6th class and Sophie Horan from 4th. The school also won two team medals, with 4th and 6th class girls winning silver and bronze at the event. Everyone from St. Mary’s were so well behaved and a pleasure to bring to the event.Representing the school on the day were
6th Class
Eoghan Fitzgerald, Harry Lindsay, Sam Hayes, Molly Daniels,
Cara King and Emma Vickers
5th Class
Morgan Earl, Noah Flynn, Charlie Cronin, Rachel Conroy,
Síofra Pender and Caoilainn Keogh
4th Class
Brody McNulty, Ali Simemba, Cian Keogh Sophie Horan, Kayla Cassidy and Leah
3rd Class
Bobby Breslin, Robert Paluch, Jake O’Connor,
Amy Kelly Harney , Sofia Thompson and Jorja Tyrell
Our School Walkway
Our walkway was once again launched on the 23rd of October to coincide with our annual Halloween walk. Each class walked a lap of the walkway and continued out on to the main street in Blessington for our Halloween procession. We were delighted once again to welcome classes from St. Mary’s J.N.S. to use part of our walkway, as they completed their Halloween procession. We will make use of the walkway throughout the school year as part of our active flag initiatives and activities. We will also use our alternative walkway along the ring road around the school when the weather is bad .
Active November
This month marks the start of the Active break challenge. Each class in the school has registered to take part in the event and get active during class for at least 10 minutes every day. The children will watch a video each day and will be put through their paces by the Irish Olympians leading the campaign. The ASF committees will be filling out the Active challenge charts recording their class progress . The initiative runs from the 13th Of November until the 8th of December. We will keep everyone updated as the month progresses.
Active School Flag Slogan
We have been busy working on our Active school slogan. There were fantastic entries from each class Well done to everyone for taking part. Our winning slogan is from Ms. Steedman’s 5th class
” Hop, skip jump and play. We are active EVERYDAY!”
Club Surveys
Fifth class representatives recently carried out a “What club are you a member of?” survey with all the classes. This allows us to get a better idea of the activities and clubs that our pupils are part of. It also allows us to promote these clubs and groups within the school, so that more students get active. It was fantastic to see involvement in such broad and varied groups. Have a look at our list below, which is also available on our ASF noticeboard in school.
Clubs/activities outside school
Blessington FC, Blessington GAA, Western Gaels, Blessington rugby, Blessington boxing club, Ruth Shine dancing, Elevation school of performing arts ( ACRO), Blessington sailing club, Blessington Kempo club, Blessington martial arts, Basketball, Fit fight Dojo, Scouts, Gymnastics, Cheerleading , swimming, cricket, tennis , Cross fit and horse riding
Dance Dance Dance
Our recent céilí was a huge success with all the boys and girls. Ms. Murphy and Ms. Kenny put all the classes through their paces in the hall and we even had a dance off between the boys and the girls. It was a fantastic event and great to see some more cross- curricular work at its best.
The Playground Craze is back
Our 6th class active flag members have been busy organising the craze zone in the playground Monday to Thursday each week. Each of the four 6th classes take turns to set up and supervise the events at breaktime. There are are range of activities from target throw to skipping and they have been very popular with the pupils. Have a look at a sample timetable below.
Craze Weekly Timetable
Week 3 Week 4
Monday mini hurdles Target throw
Tuesday Hoops ladders
Wednesday Target Throw Frisbee
Thursday Moving Dice Skipping Ropes
Active Easter Challenge
The active flag committee have organised a four week challenge to get everyone active in the lead up to Easter. Each week there are two different challenges that the classes must complete. These involve movements and skills that the children have been working on throughout the term. Once these have been completed, the active flag member records this on the noticeboard. Every class that completes all challenges will receive extra play time during the last week of term.
Active Easter Challenge
Week 1
- Class walk and talk/ Shoot 30 hoops
Week 2
- 1,000 skips as a class/ Do 300 squats
Week 3
- Do 3 laps of the school walkway (run or walk)/ Do 300 jumping jacks
Week 4
- 300 touch passes with a ball/ Easter egg hunt
Our Easter challenge noticeboard
All of the classes who completed the Easter challenges enjoyed extra playtime Friday 22nd March. Well done for everyone for taking part.
Partnerships in sport
West Wicklow Cumann Na mBunscol
The children have taken part in a number of GAA blitzes organised by West Wicklow Cumann na mBunscol. The year started off with a hurling blitz for 3rd & 4th classes in Blessington GAA on Thursday 5th October. Following that 5th & 6th girls took part in a football blitz in Hollywood on Thursday 12th October. Also 5th & 6th class boys took part in a local blitz on 23rd February. 3rd & 4th class girls are due to travel to Dunlavin on 7th March for their blitz. While 3rd & 4th class boys will take part in a blitz in Hollywood on 19th April. The children really enjoy these events and it is fantastic to see everyone get involved.
GAA Skills challenge
GAA Blitz in the Hollywood hills!
Our 3rd and 4th class boys took part in a blitz in Hollywood on Friday 19th April. Two teams from the school travelled on the day and competed against 12 other schools. It was a great day and the boys really enjoyed taking part. Thanks once again to West Wicklow Cumann na mBunscol for organising the event and to Ms. Beaubien and Ms. Nugent for accompanying the boys.
Wicklow Sports and Recreation Partnership
Marathon kids programme
We were delighted to have 5 of our 5th & 6th classes take part in the Marathon kids programme this year. It was a fantastic opportunity for the children to learn about the benefits of sport and physical activity.
Each class took part in the 8 week programme and performed four running sessions per week. This culminated in a West Wicklow running event with David Gillick on Thursday 18th April in Ballymore GAA grounds.
On the day all 108 children from St. Mary’s had photographs taken and a warm up session with David. Following this the group ran 2 laps of the GAA pitches and received their medals. It was a great way to round off the programme. A huge thank you to Wicklow sports and recreation for organising the event.
Street Velodrome comes to Blessington
We were delighted to be invited to take part in a pop up velodrome event in Blessington on Friday 17th May. The event was organised in conjunction with Wicklow sports & recreation partnership as part of Bike week. Three classes took part on the day, Ms. Kenny’s and Ms. Murphy’s 6th classes and Ms. Steedman’s 5th class. It was a fantastic day and all the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Even the teachers had a go. Have a look at some of our photos of the day.
Bike Week 2024
National Bike week takes place this year from Saturday 11th of May until Sunday the 19th of May
We are going to hold our bike week in June because the book fair is taking place during the official Bike week in school
But here are a few local events that you might be interested in
- Free bike rental in the Avon on 11th, 12th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th & 19th of May
- Blessington street velodrome bike festival in McGreal’s carpark Friday 17th May from 10am to 3pm (for schools)
- Saturday 18th May from 10am to 3pm in Blessington town square (for everyone )
- A recommended cycle route in Blessington is the Greenway. It is 5.8km. It is for all skill levels and the trail is tarmac
We hope you enjoy all the activities
Upcoming Events
- 5th class have a kick boxing taster on 10th June, with Martin Bannon
- Bike week – May
- 3rd & 6th classes will have bike safety sessions with community guards
- 3rd, 4th & 6th classes will have gymnastics 13th June
- Active week 17th-21st June
- Sports Day 21st June