Parents Association
Thanks to the ongoing support of our very active Parents’ Association who have provided a wide range of educational materials for the children that otherwise we would never have been in a position to purchase. The fundraising provided by the Association allowed us to establish a fully equipped Computer Room with 13 fully networked computers. It also allowed us to ensure that each classroom has a full range of hands-on maths equipment. We also have 2 SRA Reading Kits which were provided by the Association. We also completed the cataloguing of all the library books in the school using the computer system the Association financed recently. We have also recently purchased a wide range of computer software suitable for using in every classroom as well as a wide range of supplementary English reading books.
Without a doubt had it not been for the help of the Parents Association we would never have been in a position to fund the purchase of all this educational equipment and it is something that everyone in the school is extremely grateful for.
PTA Committee 2019 – 2020